All the dues are to be deposited in the school office by the 10th of every month failing which a late fee fine will be charged as under. Upto 20th from 21st onward-Rs.50/- fee for the months of May & June is to be paid in the month of May and for the months of January to March in the month of January.
2. Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones in the school,if found,Rs500/- will be charged as fine.
3. A fine of Rs. 10/- per day will be charged on being absent from the school without sanctioned leave. if a student remains absent for six days Without information his name will automatically be struck off.
4.If a student remains absent in unit tests as well as in terminal exam without permission, he/she will be given zero marks. Re-examination will not be conducted at any cost.
5. Students are not allowed to go out during the school hours without principal’s permission slip.
6. Attendance in morning assembly, social, cultural, annual function in school is compulsory.
7. Students are advised to speak in English to improve their language skill.
8. Students must come in proper uniform with trimmed nails, crew cut hair (for boys), hair bands in case of short hair (for girls) and polished shoes
9. 75% attendance is compulsory as CBSE norms.
10. No long leave will be sanctioned without prior information or without parent’s signature.
11. In case of emergency leave, students must inform to the school and later on submit the application.